Step 1.... Unit Test.. Step2.... Integration Test
One aspect of the software controlling the brewery is that the domestic fridge shouldn't run for extended periods of time (>30 minutes). A normal fridge isn't trying to move the temperature of >20litres of liquid down by large amounts (start of fermentation/crash cooling). This code is the main poll loop of the relay code controlling the fridge/heater. .... heating_required = self ._is_heating_required() cooling_required = self ._is_cooling_required() if heating_required: self ._turn_cooling_off() self ._turn_heating_on() self ._turn_recirc_fan_on() elif cooling_required: self ._turn_heating_off() if self ._safety_check_will_starting_the_fridge_damage_the_compressor(): self ._turn_recirc_fan_off() elif self ._safety_check_has_fridge_been_running_too_long_if_so_turn_off(): self ._turn_recirc_fan_off() ...