Step 1.... Unit Test.. Step2.... Integration Test
One aspect of the software controlling the brewery is that the domestic fridge shouldn't run for extended periods of time (>30 minutes). A normal fridge isn't trying to move the temperature of >20litres of liquid down by large amounts (start of fermentation/crash cooling).
This code is the main poll loop of the relay code controlling the fridge/heater.
heating_required = self._is_heating_required() | |
cooling_required = self._is_cooling_required() | |
if heating_required: | |
self._turn_cooling_off() | |
self._turn_heating_on() | |
self._turn_recirc_fan_on() | |
elif cooling_required: | |
self._turn_heating_off() | |
if self._safety_check_will_starting_the_fridge_damage_the_compressor(): | |
self._turn_recirc_fan_off() | |
elif self._safety_check_has_fridge_been_running_too_long_if_so_turn_off(): | |
self._turn_recirc_fan_off() | |
else: | |
self._turn_recirc_fan_on() | |
self._turn_cooling_on() | |
if self.fridgeHeat and self.zoneTemp > self.zoneTarget - 0.15: | |
self.groot.log("Target Reached stopping heat active for %s" % (time.time() - self.fermHeatActiveFor)) | |
self._turn_cooling_off() | |
self._turn_heating_off() | |
self._turn_recirc_fan_ |
So this reads well, if cooling is required the we have two safety checks.....
def _is_cooling_required(self): | |
if self.zoneTemp > self.zoneDownTarget and not self.fridgeCool: | |
self.groot.log("Cooling Required %s > %s" % (self.zoneTemp, self.zoneDownTarget)) | |
return True | |
return False | |
The _is_cooling_required method only runs if the fridge isn't on!
But the fridge didn't die this time, bottling went well, fermetntation seemed to go well, and it was reasonable coming out the fermenter.
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